EAC rosette formation test
The surface of B cells has membrane immunoglobulin, Fc receptor, complement receptor, mouse erythrocyte receptor and Epstein-Barr virus receptor. If human B cells bind to mouse red blood cells, a flower knot can be formed. The label of the B cell is estimated based on the formed flower knot, and in the case of a certain pathology, the rate of formation of the knot is increased. The EAC rosette formation test is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of immunodeficiency diseases and lymphoproliferative diseases. Basic Information Specialist classification: Oncology examination classification: immune examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Actively cooperate with the doctor during the examination. Normal value 0.10 to 0.15. Clinical significance Reduced in the absence of gamma globulinemia, combined immune function defects. Elevation is seen in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, hairy cell leukemia, congenital thymic dysplasia, and early stage of infectious mononucleosis. Precautions Selective IgG, IgM, IgA deficiency, lymphoma, nephrotic syndrome, myeloma, radiation sickness, and the use of the immunosuppressant EAC-RFC can be reduced. Inspection process Same as T lymphocyte counting method. Not suitable for the crowd There are no taboos. Adverse reactions and risks There are no related complications and hazards.
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