SW Penile Ultrasound Blood Flow Detection

Ultrasound blood flow detection of SW penis is to measure the blood supply of the penis by measuring the radial artery, the dorsal penile artery, the deep back artery, and the deep dorsal artery. Ultrasound blood flow test of SW penis is used to judge the severity of impotence, premature ejaculation and whether the treatment is effective. The paralyzed patient lies flat on the detector, and transmits ultrasonic waves to the human blood vessels through the ultrasonic probe. The echo signal is received by the probe to obtain the average flow velocity of the blood flow, and the arteries of the corpus cavernosum are detected, and the computer automatically analyzes to judge the impotence. The severity of premature ejaculation and the effectiveness of treatment. Basic Information Specialist classification: male examination inspection classification: ultrasound Applicable gender: whether the male is fasting: not fasting Reminder: Before the examination, you should explain to your doctor the usual erectile function and ejaculation latency. Normal value The data analyzed by the computer is consistent with the data of the metrics. Clinical significance Abnormal results: Automated analysis by computer to determine the severity of impotence, premature ejaculation and whether the treatment is effective. People who need to be examined: impotence, premature ejaculation patients. Precautions Taboo before inspection: 1 The subject needs to make an appointment. 2 Before the examination, the doctor should explain the usual erectile function and ejaculation latency. Requirements for inspection: 1. Leave the hospital under the guidance of a physician after the examination. 2. Actively cooperate with physicians and care for instruments. Inspection process The paralyzed patient lies flat on the detector, and transmits ultrasonic waves to the human blood vessels through the ultrasonic probe. The echo signal is received by the probe to obtain the average flow velocity of the blood flow, and the arteries of the corpus cavernosum are detected, and the computer automatically analyzes to judge the impotence. The severity of premature ejaculation and the effectiveness of treatment. Not suitable for the crowd Generally no taboos. Adverse reactions and risks Generally not.

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