Intonation and Voice

Intonation and voice are human language expressions that are governed by the language center. When the brain hemisphere is damaged (medium stroke), it can cause aphasia. Intonation refers to the pronunciation and tone of the language process, and the vocal organs and their dominant neuropathy can cause abnormal tone. Voice abnormality refers to disordered language rhythm, poor expression, uneven speed, seen in tremor paralysis, chorea, hepatolenticular degeneration and stuttering. The dysarthria is difficult to pronounce and the pronunciation is unclear, but the understanding of the language is normal. It is found in myopathy, ball paralysis, cerebellar lesions, and tremor paralysis. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development check classification: physical examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Before the check, the taboos are over-stressed and the rest is not normal. Normal value The rhythm of the language is normal, the expression is smooth, the speed is even, the sound is normal, and the pronunciation is clear. Clinical significance Abnormal results: Intonation refers to the pronunciation and tone of the language process, and the vocal organs and their dominant neuropathy can cause abnormal tone. Voice abnormality refers to disordered language rhythm, poor expression, uneven speed, seen in tremor paralysis, chorea, hepatolenticular degeneration and stuttering. The dysarthria is difficult to pronounce and the pronunciation is unclear, but the understanding of the language is normal. It is found in myopathy, ball paralysis, cerebellar lesions, and tremor paralysis. People who need to be examined: People who need a full physical examination and have a tone of voice and abnormal voice. Precautions Taboo before the check: Excessive mood, rest is not normal. Requirements for inspection: Actively cooperate with the doctor's work. Inspection process Through the consultation, listen to the patient's tone and voice is normal or not. Not suitable for the crowd Generally there are no people who are not suitable. Adverse reactions and risks Generally no adverse reactions.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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