paralysis test

When a doctor performs a neurological examination, sometimes it is not certain that the general method of mild sputum can be used. The upper extremity palsy test includes upper extremity flat extension test, hemiplegic lateral small finger sign, digital finger test, finger muscle strength test, etc. The lower extremity paralysis test includes external rotation sign, knee sag test, heel hip test, and lower limb drop test. Basic Information Specialist classification: neurological examination classification: neuroelectrophysiology Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Before the inspection, pay attention to the protection of the legs to prevent injury during the test. Normal value Both limbs have the same drop speed but are slower. Clinical significance A positive result of the abnormal result indicates an early sputum. The people who need to be examined have patients with early paralysis. Precautions Contraindications before inspection: Pay attention to the protection of the legs before the inspection to prevent injury during the test. Requirements for inspection: 1, doctors should try to relax the muscles of the limbs, do not be too nervous, and actively cooperate with the doctor's work. 2, do the lower limbs squat test when the heel does not touch the hips, do not stretch too much, to prevent strain on the leg ligaments. 3, should pay attention to protect the affected limbs, to prevent sagging muscles when drooping. Inspection process First, upper limb paralysis test: Let the patient extend the upper limbs to the chest, and after a few seconds, the upper limbs fall faster, indicating that there is a hidden sputum. Second, lower limb paralysis test: (1) The patient is in a prone position, and the examiner flexes and verticalizes both knees. After a few seconds of release, the affected limb gradually sag. (2) The patient is in a prone position, and the knee is pressed hard to make the heel hit the buttocks. The examiner can see that the ankle and toe joints on the flank cannot be straightened. (3) The patient's supine position, the hip joint and the knee joint are flexed to a right angle position, and after a few seconds, the affected limb can not support and sag, which indicates that there is early convulsion. Not suitable for the crowd Patients with severe injuries and disabilities in their limbs. Adverse reactions and risks Generally no adverse reactions.

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